Young people are celebrating years of hard work today (Thursday 15 August) as they receive their A Level results – and Nottinghamshire County Council is congratulating them on their efforts.
Councillor Sam Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and SEND, said: “I’d like to offer my congratulations to the students across Nottinghamshire who have received their A Level results today.
“Whatever your results, you should be proud of all your hard work. If you have not received the results you were hoping for today there are still lots of options and help available to you.
“For those of you that are looking for post-16 opportunities that are not in higher education there are plenty of employers, including the county council, who offer apprenticeship opportunities which help with gaining new skills and workplace experiences.
“A huge thank you as well to the teachers, parents, carers and families who have also supported young people throughout their education.”
Schools and colleges offer support from dedicated advisers and have a wide range of information available.
The National Careers Service also provides information to help young people decide on their next steps and the exam results helpline can be contacted on 0800 100 900.