Police want to speak to these men after Mansfield wallet theft

Police investigating the theft of a wallet from a parked car have released images of two men they want to speak to.

The vehicle was broken into while it was parked on a driveway in Farndon Way, Mansfield.

A wallet, containing cash and bank cards, was taken and the victim later discovered one of the cards had been used fraudulently.

Police have been investigating the incident, which took place overnight between 10pm on 5 August 2024 and 10.30am the following day, by studying CCTV footage and carrying out other inquiries.

Officers are now in a position to release these images of two men they believe could have important information about what happened.

Police Constable Megan Rodgers, of Nottinghamshire Police, said:

“We want to speak to the men pictured so if you know them please get in touch with us.

“Waking up to discover your car has been broken into is an upsetting experience for any victim, so we are determined to track down those responsible.”

Anyone with any information should call police on 101, quoting incident number 190 of 6 August 2024, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

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