Mansfield District Council is inviting the community to input into a review of polling district places and stations in the district.
The council is required to complete a full review of its polling districts, polling places and polling stations every five years, to ensure that electors have reasonable voting facilities, and that polling places are accessible to all voters.
The consultation seeks to ensure that:
- all electors have reasonable facilities for voting
- that polling stations are accessible to those who are disabled
- that when considering or reviewing the location of a polling station, the accessibility needs of disabled persons are taken into consideration
The council currently uses 62 polling stations and is seeking electors’ views on how suitable these polling stations are, if they can be improved, or if there are better alternatives that can be used instead.
The consultation will run from Friday 6 October 2023 until Tuesday 14 November 2023 and can be accessed online at: 2023 Statutory Polling Place Review – Mansfield District Council. Paper copies are also available at the Civic Centre in Mansfield or by contacting the Electoral Services Team by email at elections@mansfield.gov.uk or on 01623 463463.
Adam Hill, Returning Officer and Chief Executive at Mansfield District Council, said: “It has been a year since our last review, and I would like to encourage electors to share their views on the suitability of our polling stations.
“We want to be able to use safe, convenient, and accessible locations when running elections. Feedback from residents and electors will help us best achieve this.”
The recommendations and comments from the review will be considered at the meeting of the Polling Place Review Sub-Committee in November, followed by the Full Council in January 2024.