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Ambitious council set on ‘exciting path’: Independent report praises Ashfield District Council

An independent report produced by the Local Government Association has once again praised Ashfield District Council for its services as it continues to reach for the stars.

Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) is a highly valued improvement and assurance tool delivered by the local government sector for the local government sector.

It involved a team of senior local government elected Members and officers undertaking a comprehensive review of key finance, performance and governance information, followed by an intensive three and a half days on-site visit at Ashfield District Council (ADC) to provide robust, strategic, and credible challenge and support.

In June 2024, peers visited the council offices on Urban Road, meeting with council Members and staff from across the organisation.

Peers commented on the progress made since the previous Peer Challenge to ADC in 2020, which congratulated the council on its achievements.

A report has now been published highlighting positive feedback and recommendations to further improve Ashfield District Council for its residents and businesses.

The report states: “The council has a good, ambitious corporate plan with clear outcomes, which sets out an exciting path for the Ashfield District.

“ADC has already, and is planning further work to improve residents’ lives, as well as visitors’ and businesses’ experiences.

“The council is also delivering good, solid services generally to local people.

“ADC’s work is well supported by its strong financial position, especially through its healthy level of reserves.

“Throughout its visit, the peer team witnessed the council’s strong political leadership, which is positively steering its ambitious agenda

“All this is impressive for a district council of its size with a workforce of about 600 staff serving approximately 127,000 residents.”

Theresa Hodgkinson, Chief Executive Officer at Ashfield District Council said: “We are delighted with the feedback received following the Corporate Peer Challenge in June this year.

“As a council, we are building on what’s best about our communities and the area’s heritage to carve out a great future for Ashfield and these comments solidify our objectives.

“We will now work to build on recommendations made to help us continue the path from good to great across all of our services.”

Cllr Jason Zadrozny, Leader at Ashfield District Council added: “This report highlights the dedication from our councillors and staff to deliver fantastic services for the people of Ashfield.

“Peers highlighted how we continually consult with, listen and respond to our residents to enhance the delivery of our services and programmes.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank councillor colleagues and staff for their continued hard work to bring good, solid services to our residents, businesses and visitors.”

An action plan is now being developed to further improve the council’s services based on recommendations detailed in the report, which will be published in November 2024

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